
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Mixing & Dissolving

Mixture - A substance made by combining/mixing two or more substances together. 

Dissolving - When a substance becomes part of a liquid.

Mixing and Dissolving (Experiment)

We started our experiment by getting the equipment we needed.

- A large beaker 

- A smaller beaker

- A spatula

- Granulated sugar

We then put 50ml of cold water in the big beaker, we put a 1 spatula of sugar in and started stirring the solution. we timed how long It will take for the sugar to dissolve in the cold water. we started the timer as soon as we put in the sugar and stopped the timer as soon as we don't see any granules of sugar and have made sure the sugar is fully dissolved.

We did the same thing with the hot water with exact same measurements but ended up with completely different results.

We then did the experiment without stirring and got completely different results on how long it took for the sugar to dissolve with the help of stirring and without.

                                            Time in seconds             Total            Average

Coldwater with stirring - 59s, 58s, 61s, 55s, 41s         274s                 54s  

Hot water with stirring - 25s, 26s, 37s, 31s                 119s               29.75s 

Hot water no stirring - 46s, 31s, 90s, 87s, 127s           381s               76.2s

Coldwater no stirring - 41s, 31s, 156s, 231s, 360s      819s               163.8s