
Monday, September 20, 2021

Angles, Movements and Shots ( Hunger Games ) | English

The Reaping Scene
  • Katniss volunteers as tribute when her sister is chosen.
  • The children/parents of the district give her the three-finger salute.
  • Peeta is chosen as the male tribute.
Hope and Rebellion
3 finger salute - It is a big sign of respect for Katniss from the people of her district.
                       - Katniss is a symbol of hope for a district victor.
                       - Katniss is a symbol of rebellion because she stepped in for her sister when no one else                                 would.
Rich and Poor
Symbol of Richness - Effie Trinket, extreme, make-up, wig, hat, overly colourful and flashy clothing, proper accent.
Technology - use of blood readers/scanners, projectors.
Symbol of poverty - District 12, children clothing for the reaping are their "best clothes", dresses, collared-shirt, boys wear shorts or pants, the colour of clothing is very faded from washing and reusing.
The village is falling down around them.

Faces - Primrose when is reaped - terror, fear.
          - Effie - joyful, confident, excited - close-up of lips when reading names.
          - Katniss - panics when  Prim is reaped, shock when she stands with Effie.
          - Peta - fear,panic,shock.

Shallow focus
the people in the background are in shallow focus when Prim and Katniss hugged, This forces the viewers to watch the characters that are in focus. 

What the Viewer feels
Sorry for Primrose - it was her first time.
               Katniss - she volunteered, a selfless act.
Anger toward the capital for the reaping.
We consider Effie is annoying, too happy, stuck-up, clueless.

Directors Purpose
Need to be invested in their journey/suffering
Need to be angry at Capital so that we judge them and their decisions later.
Effie is depicted as a symbol of people in the District, they are clueless, they don't see the suffering.

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