
Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Hunters Swoop | English

- Top left corner of the image
 Dark trees and branches cover the background making it look like a dark black hole.

- Top right corner of the image
As the dead trees disappear into the mist and fog, Dark trees stand tall as if leading the ones behind.

- Bottom part of the image
The mirror-like lake reflects a beautiful yet frightening sight of dark dead trees, its leaves scattered as if they were being set free, another world can be seen once I looked in.

- Middle part of the image
As I walk through the misty and foggy forest, still frightened by what I have seen, I was greeted by a glistening lake reflecting all of the darkness behind me. I have thought my journey was rough yet now that I am standing here I have learned to realize that the hardships I've been through have been worth the fear when I see such I mesmerizing sight.

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