
Friday, May 29, 2020

Interview with Jolly Rose, Arrabis

What did you do during lock down?
I watched and drew anime characters. I helped my mum with her baking. I studied and did some work.

What did you like about lock down?
I liked the time that I spent with my family. I also spent a lot of time drawing alone in my room. I liked the fact that I can be alone sometimes.

What didn't you like about lock down?
I don't like the fact that I get lonely sometimes.I didn't like the way that people are getting sick. 

How did you feel at the beginning?
Quite exited to spend time with my family. I didn't feel anxious at all.

How did you feel coming back to school?
I felt excited to see my friends and finally study normally again.

Jolly Rose, Arrabis

1 comment:

  1. Hello Aili I really like this post, I like how it explain all Details of what I did during Quarantine Thank you.
